Thursday, January 29, 2015

Winter sports

Bonita Boys
Warming Up

Girls Soccer pt.1
Girls Soccer pt. 2
Girls Soccer pt.3
Girls Soccer pt. 4
Boys Soccer
Bonita Guys
ORHS Soccer Boys

Article: PROJECT X

Anthony Aquino has been running a photography course at Queensbury High School since 2009 and every year he works with around 100 kids. That same year he became aware of the organization Help-Portrait, which takes professional photographers like celebrity photographer Jeremy Cowart (Who also founded it) and they use their skills to help those less fortunate. The organization has inspired volunteer photographers to visit rescue missions, halfway houses, recovery programs, food kitchens, homeless shelters, churches and other sites in their communities and create special portraits of people that aren't fortunate to have pictures of themselves. So he took his students to a soup kitchen and had them partake in this program and they say it has changed their lives. This is very inspirational.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Black and white



Senior Lawn





LILY pt. 2


1 Page Reflection

The Del Mar Fair pictures show a lot of color that contrasts with dark sky. You can tell the photographer timed it perfectly so the action shot was clear. They seemed to focus clearly on the important parts of the photo. The pictures are clearly shot by a professional who has been in the business for while and I have a lot to learn from them. They make the Del Mar Fair look super cool and different.

Friday, January 16, 2015


Although I didn't know Mrs. Rooney personally I can tell she touched the hearts of many students here at Otay. I saw that so many kids participated in the Silent Walk for Mrs. Rooney and took a flower to her tree. I heard she had a very long but determined battle with cancer. Her fight against it is very inspiring because no matter how powerful cancer may be she continued to fight back and win a couple times. Although remission seemed to always come back she seemed to always have a smile on her face and always seemed so happy at the boys vs. girls assembly. I'm sad that I didn't get to know her personally but from what I heard from my friends and teachers she was a great women that will be dearly missed. RIP Mrs. Rooney.

Photo Project #1

Best Friend - Low saturation

Austin Martin DB9- Conte Crayon

Luv her - High Highlight use

OB ft. Me - Rotated Canvas

OB ft. Cristina - Liquefy 

OB- high Shadow

Ice Skating- Posterize

Ice Skating- Add Text

Christmas Tree- Flipped Canvas Horizontally 

Friends - Liquidized 

Family - Photo Filter
Friends- Rotated 180

Christmas Eve- Mix Colors
Megan's Birthday- Textured

  Amberly- Gradient
Audrey- Cropped
Julicakes pt. 1- Rotated
Julicakes pt. 2- Pencil
Luis' 18th- Desaturated
Went to K1 Speed- Over saturated