Tuesday, February 3, 2015

3 Superbowl Commercials

Snicker Commercial- The Brady Bunch remake in the snicker commercial was really funny because I remember watching that show when I was younger with my parents. Although they were mostly comedians so they made it really funny and even brought back some of the famous lines that the show was known for. 

McDonald Commercial- I thought it was really heart warming to see that McDonald's would give people free food if they showed love to their families. Through February 2 to the 14th  they are doing this promotion where they choose customers to participate in this and they wont make profit with it. I think its a good way to spread the love during this loving month.

Skittles- Marshawn Lynch was being asked questions by the Skittles reporters and he answered them in a comedic way. It was a pretty funny commercial and since he was a sea-hawks player it went well with the Superbowl. All the questions and answers that were given to him were supposed to be funny.

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