Friday, July 25, 2014


AE- automatic exposure
AF- Auto Focus
APERTURE- opening in the lens that allows light to enter the camera 
APERTURE PRIORITY- type of automatic exposure in which you have to select the aperture and the camera will automatically select the shutter speed
ARTIFICIAL LIGHT- refers to any light source that doesn't exist in nature, such as fluorescent,incandescent, and other unnatural lighting
AVAILABLE LIGHT- amount of illumination at a given location that applies to natural and artificial light sources but not for those supplied specifically for photos.
BACKLIGHT- light that projects toward the camera from behind the subject
BIT/BYTE- binary digit /eight bits 
BOUNCE LIGHT- light that reflects off of another surface before illuminating the subject
BULB- camera setting that allows the shutter to stay open as long as the shutter release is depressed 
CARD READER- device that connects to your computer and enables quick and easy download of images from memory card to computer 
CLOSE-UP- general term used to describe an image created by closely focusing on a subject 
COMPRESSION- method of reducing file size through removal of redundant data, as with the jpeg file format
CONTRAST-  difference between two or more tones in terms of luminescence, density, or darkness
CPU- Central Processing Unit 
CROPPING-  process of extracting a portion of the image area
DAYLIGHT-white balance setting that renders accurate color when shooting in mid-day sunlight
DEPTH OF FIELD- image space in front of and behind the plane of focus that appears acceptably sharp in the photograph 
DOWNLOAD- transfer of data from one device to another 
DPI- Dots Per Inch
EXPOSURE- when light enters the camera and reacts with the sensitized medium

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