FILE FORMAT- the structure of how info is stored in a computer file
FILTER- they allow only certain frequencies of light to enter a camera
FLARE - an extensive amount of light that enters the camera and causes an internal reflection
FOCUS- optimum sharpness or image clarity
FRAME- technique used to focus the viewer's attention to the subject
f/STOP- size of the aperture or opening of the lens
GB- Gigabyte
HARD DRIVE- Large storage unit made up of sensitive disks in the computer
HOT SHOE- Electronically connected flash mount on the camera.
ICON- a symbol used to represent a file
IMAGE EDITING PROGRAM- a program that edits photographs
INFINITY- used to denote the theoretically most distant point of the focus
ISO- Indicates the relative light sensitivity of the recording medium
JPEG- Joint Photographic Experts Group
KB- Kilobyte
LCD- Liquid Crystal Display
LED- Light Emitting Diode
LENS- an optical piece of glass in the front of a camera
LENS SHADE- a tube that can reduce flare
LIGHT METER- can measure the light levels & calculates the correct aperture & shutter speed
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