Tuesday, August 19, 2014


  1. Her work was based on the relationship between fact and fiction and the line between the two.
  2. She uses her photographs to get across an idea about story telling.
  3. She started creating these images based on the idea of lying.
  4. She says that when someone says they love you that they might not mean it based on their facial expressions.
  5. The first type of art that she made was a picture of a women looking down at something you can't see, and then next to the picture was a picture of a book with some of the words and sentences peeled out of the book.
  6. If you were to look closely you could tell that the picture was portraying a fairytale.
  7. Just doing one thing will make you look at something somewhat differently
  8. She wanted to make us feel, taste or be able to think we are actually tasting or seeing  that object in the picture we are looking at.
  9. She wanted the picture to feel like in a way like a visceral feeling.

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