Tuesday, December 9, 2014

3 Partner Pictures- Ozkar Alvarez

This picture has such a nice blend of colors in the sky. The sun seems to shine a reddish sort of colors to the clouds that help frame the picture. The only improvement I can see is to have the trees to come into the front of the frame of the picture.
The San Diego skyline is portrayed perfectly in this picture. Ozkar captures the sun just as it is about to set behind the skyline and he even captures a boat floating on the bay. In my honest opinion I don't think this picture could be improved because it is beautiful.
The reason I liked this picture is because in its simplicity it shows a sense of family bond between a brother and a sister who are enjoying each others company. They seem to just be enjoying sitting in a tree and I always have liked nature pictures. The only thing I would fix is just the quality should be a little better.

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